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Materials data science: descriptors and machine learning

Welcome to the materials data science lesson. In this session, we will demonstrate how to use matminer, pandas and scikit-learn for machine learning materials properties.

The lesson is split into four sections: 1. Data retrieval and basic analysis of pandas DataFrame objects. 2. Generating machine learnable descriptors. 3. Training, testing and visualizing machine learning methods with scikit-learn and

Many more tutorials on how to use matminer (beyond the scope of this workshop) are available in the matminer_examples repository, available here.

Machine learning workflow

Firstly, what does a typical machine learning workflow look like? The overall process can be summarized as: 1. Take raw inputs, such as a list of compositions, and an associated target property to learn. 2. Convert the raw inputs into descriptors or features that can be learned by machine learning algorithms. 3. Train a machine learning model on the data. 4. Plot and analyze the performance of the model.

machine learning workflow

Typically, questions asked by a new practitioner in the field include: - Where do we get the raw data from? - How do we convert the raw data into learnable features? - How can we plot and interpret the results of a model?

The matminer package has been developed to help make machine learning of materials properties easy and hassle free. The aim of matminer is to connect materials data with data mining algorithms and data visualization.

matminer overview

Part 1: Data retrieval and filtering

Matminer interfaces with many materials databases, including: - Materials Project - Citrine - AFLOW - Materials Data Facility (MDF) - Materials Platform for Data Science (MPDS)

In addition, it also includes datasets from published literature. Matminer hosts a repository of 42 (and growing) datasets which comes from published and peer-reviewed machine learning investigations of materials properties or publications of high-throughput computing studies.

In this section, we will show how to access and manipulate the pre-formatted datasets from the published literature. More information on accessing other materials databases are detailed in the matminer_examples repository.

A list of the literature-based datasets can be printed using the get_available_datasets() function. This also prints information about what the dataset contains, such as the number of samples, the target properties, and how the data was obtained (e.g., via theory or experiment).

from matminer.datasets import get_available_datasets

boltztrap_mp: Effective mass and thermoelectric properties of 8924 compounds in The  Materials Project database that are calculated by the BoltzTraP software package run on the GGA-PBE or GGA+U density functional theory calculation results. The properties are reported at the temperature of 300 Kelvin and the carrier concentration of 1e18 1/cm3.

brgoch_superhard_training: 2574 materials used for training regressors that predict shear and bulk modulus.

castelli_perovskites: 18,928 perovskites generated with ABX combinatorics, calculating gllbsc band gap and pbe structure, and also reporting absolute band edge positions and heat of formation.

citrine_thermal_conductivity: Thermal conductivity of 872 compounds measured experimentally and retrieved from Citrine database from various references. The reported values are measured at various temperatures of which 295 are at room temperature.

dielectric_constant: 1,056 structures with dielectric properties, calculated with DFPT-PBE.

double_perovskites_gap: Band gap of 1306 double perovskites (a_1-b_1-a_2-b_2-O6) calculated using Gritsenko, van Leeuwen, van Lenthe and Baerends potential (gllbsc) in GPAW.

double_perovskites_gap_lumo: Supplementary lumo data of 55 atoms for the double_perovskites_gap dataset.

elastic_tensor_2015: 1,181 structures with elastic properties calculated with DFT-PBE.

expt_formation_enthalpy: Experimental formation enthalpies for inorganic compounds, collected from years of calorimetric experiments. There are 1,276 entries in this dataset, mostly binary compounds. Matching mpids or oqmdids as well as the DFT-computed formation energies are also added (if any).

expt_formation_enthalpy_kingsbury: Dataset containing experimental standard formation enthalpies for solids. Formation enthalpies were compiled primarily from Kim et al., Kubaschewski, and the NIST JANAF tables (see references). Elements, liquids, and gases were excluded. Data were deduplicated such that each material is associated with a single formation enthalpy value. Refer to Wang et al. (see references) for a complete desciption of the methods used. Materials Project database IDs (mp-ids) were assigned to materials from among computed materials in the Materials Project database (version 2021.03.22) that were 1) not marked 'theoretical', 2) had structures matching at least one ICSD material, and 3) were within 200 meV of the DFT-computed stable energy hull (e_above_hull < 0.2 eV). Among these candidates, we chose the mp-id with the lowest e_above_hull that matched the reported spacegroup (where available).

expt_gap: Experimental band gap of 6354 inorganic semiconductors.

expt_gap_kingsbury: Identical to the matbench_expt_gap dataset, except that Materials Project database IDs (mp-ids) have been associated with each material using the same method as described for the expt_formation_enthalpy_kingsbury dataset. Columns have also been renamed for consistency with the formation enthalpy data.

flla: 3938 structures and computed formation energies from "Crystal Structure Representations for Machine Learning Models of Formation Energies."

glass_binary: Metallic glass formation data for binary alloys, collected from various experimental techniques such as melt-spinning or mechanical alloying. This dataset covers all compositions with an interval of 5 at. % in 59 binary systems, containing a total of 5959 alloys in the dataset. The target property of this dataset is the glass forming ability (GFA), i.e. whether the composition can form monolithic glass or not, which is either 1 for glass forming or 0 for non-full glass forming.

glass_binary_v2: Identical to glass_binary dataset, but with duplicate entries merged. If there was a disagreement in gfa when merging the class was defaulted to 1.

glass_ternary_hipt: Metallic glass formation dataset for ternary alloys, collected from the high-throughput sputtering experiments measuring whether it is possible to form a glass using sputtering. The hipt experimental data are of the Co-Fe-Zr, Co-Ti-Zr, Co-V-Zr and Fe-Ti-Nb ternary systems.

glass_ternary_landolt: Metallic glass formation dataset for ternary alloys, collected from the "Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of Ternary Amorphous Alloys,’ a volume of the Landolt– Börnstein collection. This dataset contains experimental measurements of whether it is possible to form a glass using a variety of processing techniques at thousands of compositions from hundreds of ternary systems. The processing techniques are designated in the "processing" column. There are originally 7191 experiments in this dataset, will be reduced to 6203 after deduplicated, and will be further reduced to 6118 if combining multiple data for one composition. There are originally 6780 melt-spinning experiments in this dataset, will be reduced to 5800 if deduplicated, and will be further reduced to 5736 if combining multiple experimental data for one composition.

heusler_magnetic: 1153 Heusler alloys with DFT-calculated magnetic and electronic properties. The 1153 alloys include 576 full, 449 half and 128 inverse Heusler alloys. The data are extracted and cleaned (including de-duplicating) from Citrine.

jarvis_dft_2d: Various properties of 636 2D materials computed with the OptB88vdW and TBmBJ functionals taken from the JARVIS DFT database.

jarvis_dft_3d: Various properties of 25,923 bulk materials computed with the OptB88vdW and TBmBJ functionals taken from the JARVIS DFT database.

jarvis_ml_dft_training: Various properties of 24,759 bulk and 2D materials computed with the OptB88vdW and TBmBJ functionals taken from the JARVIS DFT database.

m2ax: Elastic properties of 223 stable M2AX compounds from "A comprehensive survey of M2AX phase elastic properties" by Cover et al. Calculations are PAW PW91.

matbench_dielectric: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting refractive index from structure. Adapted from Materials Project database. Removed entries having a formation energy (or energy above the convex hull) more than 150meV and those having refractive indices less than 1 and those containing noble gases. Retrieved April 2, 2019. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_expt_gap: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting experimental band gap from composition alone. Retrieved from Zhuo et al. supplementary information. Deduplicated according to composition, removing compositions with reported band gaps spanning more than a 0.1eV range; remaining compositions were assigned values based on the closest experimental value to the mean experimental value for that composition among all reports. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_expt_is_metal: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for classifying metallicity from composition alone. Retrieved from Zhuo et al. supplementary information. Deduplicated according to composition, ensuring no conflicting reports were entered for any compositions (i.e., no reported compositions were both metal and nonmetal). For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_glass: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting full bulk metallic glass formation ability from chemical formula. Retrieved from "Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of Ternary Amorphous Alloys,’ a volume of the Landolt– Börnstein collection. Deduplicated according to composition, ensuring no compositions were reported as both GFA and not GFA (i.e., all reports agreed on the classification designation). For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_jdft2d: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting exfoliation energies from crystal structure (computed with the OptB88vdW and TBmBJ functionals). Adapted from the JARVIS DFT database. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_log_gvrh: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting DFT log10 VRH-average shear modulus from structure. Adapted from Materials Project database. Removed entries having a formation energy (or energy above the convex hull) more than 150meV and those having negative G_Voigt, G_Reuss, G_VRH, K_Voigt, K_Reuss, or K_VRH and those failing G_Reuss <= G_VRH <= G_Voigt or K_Reuss <= K_VRH <= K_Voigt and those containing noble gases. Retrieved April 2, 2019. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_log_kvrh: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting DFT log10 VRH-average bulk modulus from structure. Adapted from Materials Project database. Removed entries having a formation energy (or energy above the convex hull) more than 150meV and those having negative G_Voigt, G_Reuss, G_VRH, K_Voigt, K_Reuss, or K_VRH and those failing G_Reuss <= G_VRH <= G_Voigt or K_Reuss <= K_VRH <= K_Voigt and those containing noble gases. Retrieved April 2, 2019. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_mp_e_form: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting DFT formation energy from structure. Adapted from Materials Project database. Removed entries having formation energy more than 2.5eV and those containing noble gases. Retrieved April 2, 2019. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_mp_gap: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting DFT PBE band gap from structure. Adapted from Materials Project database. Removed entries having a formation energy (or energy above the convex hull) more than 150meV and those containing noble gases. Retrieved April 2, 2019. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_mp_is_metal: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting DFT metallicity from structure. Adapted from Materials Project database. Removed entries having a formation energy (or energy above the convex hull) more than 150meV and those containing noble gases. Retrieved April 2, 2019. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_perovskites: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting formation energy from crystal structure. Adapted from an original dataset generated by Castelli et al. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_phonons: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting vibration properties from crystal structure. Original data retrieved from Petretto et al. Original calculations done via ABINIT in the harmonic approximation based on density functional perturbation theory. Removed entries having a formation energy (or energy above the convex hull) more than 150meV. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

matbench_steels: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting steel yield strengths from chemical composition alone. Retrieved from Citrine informatics. Deduplicated. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.

mp_all_20181018: A complete copy of the Materials Project database as of 10/18/2018. mp_all files contain structure data for each material while mp_nostruct does not.

mp_nostruct_20181018: A complete copy of the Materials Project database as of 10/18/2018. mp_all files contain structure data for each material while mp_nostruct does not.

phonon_dielectric_mp: Phonon (lattice/atoms vibrations) and dielectric properties of 1296 compounds computed via ABINIT software package in the harmonic approximation based on density functional perturbation theory.

piezoelectric_tensor: 941 structures with piezoelectric properties, calculated with DFT-PBE.

ricci_boltztrap_mp_tabular: Ab-initio electronic transport database for inorganic materials. Complex multivariable BoltzTraP simulation data is condensed down into tabular form of two main motifs: average eigenvalues at set moderate carrier concentrations and temperatures, and optimal values among all carrier concentrations and temperatures within certain ranges. Here are reported the average of the eigenvalues of conductivity effective mass (mₑᶜᵒⁿᵈ), the Seebeck coefficient (S), the conductivity (σ), the electronic thermal conductivity (κₑ), and the Power Factor (PF) at a doping level of 10¹⁸ cm⁻³ and at a temperature of 300 K for n- and p-type. Also, the maximum values for S, σ, PF, and the minimum value for κₑ chosen among the temperatures [100, 1300] K, the doping levels [10¹⁶, 10²¹] cm⁻³, and doping types are reported. The properties that depend on the relaxation time are reported divided by the constant value 10⁻¹⁴. The average of the eigenvalues for all the properties at all the temperatures, doping levels, and doping types are reported in the tables for each entry. Data is indexed by materials project id (mpid)

steel_strength: 312 steels with experimental yield strength and ultimate tensile strength, extracted and cleaned (including de-duplicating) from Citrine.

wolverton_oxides: 4,914 perovskite oxides containing composition data, lattice constants, and formation + vacancy formation energies. All perovskites are of the form ABO3. Adapted from a dataset presented by Emery and Wolverton.


All datasets can be loaded using the load_dataset() function and the database name. To save installation space, the datasets are not automatically downloaded when matminer is installed. Instead, the first time the dataset is loaded, it will be downloaded from the internet and stored in the matminer installation directory.

Let's say we're interested in the dielectric_constant dataset, which contains 1,056 structures with dielectric properties calculated with DFPT-PBE. We can download it with the load_dataset function.

We'll set an environment variable MATMINER_DATA which will tell matminer to download all our dataset to a directory ./data. If you are running this locally, you usually don't need to set this variable as matminer will download the dataset directly to your matminer source code folder.


from matminer.datasets import load_dataset

df = load_dataset("dielectric_constant")
Making dataset storage folder at data
Fetching dielectric_constant.json.gz from to data/dielectric_constant.json.gz

Fetching in MB: 0.8867839999999999MB [00:00, 19.17MB/s]       

We can get some more detailed information about this dataset using the get_all_dataset_info(<dataset>) function from matminer.

from matminer.datasets import get_all_dataset_info

Dataset: dielectric_constant
Description: 1,056 structures with dielectric properties, calculated with DFPT-PBE.
    band_gap: Measure of the conductivity of a material
    cif: optional: Description string for structure
    e_electronic: electronic contribution to dielectric tensor
    e_total: Total dielectric tensor incorporating both electronic and ionic contributions
    formula: Chemical formula of the material
    material_id: Materials Project ID of the material
    meta: optional, metadata descriptor of the datapoint
    n: Refractive Index
    nsites: The \# of atoms in the unit cell of the calculation.
    poly_electronic: the average of the eigenvalues of the electronic contribution to the dielectric tensor
    poly_total: the average of the eigenvalues of the total (electronic and ionic) contributions to the dielectric tensor
    poscar: optional: Poscar metadata
    pot_ferroelectric: Whether the material is potentially ferroelectric
    space_group: Integer specifying the crystallographic structure of the material
    structure: pandas Series defining the structure of the material
    volume: Volume of the unit cell in cubic angstroms, For supercell calculations, this quantity refers to the volume of the full supercell. 
Num Entries: 1056
Reference: Petousis, I., Mrdjenovich, D., Ballouz, E., Liu, M., Winston, D.,
Chen, W., Graf, T., Schladt, T. D., Persson, K. A. & Prinz, F. B.
High-throughput screening of inorganic compounds for the discovery
of novel dielectric and optical materials. Sci. Data 4, 160134 (2017).
Bibtex citations: ['@Article{Petousis2017,\nauthor={Petousis, Ioannis and Mrdjenovich, David and Ballouz, Eric\nand Liu, Miao and Winston, Donald and Chen, Wei and Graf, Tanja\nand Schladt, Thomas D. and Persson, Kristin A. and Prinz, Fritz B.},\ntitle={High-throughput screening of inorganic compounds for the\ndiscovery of novel dielectric and optical materials},\njournal={Scientific Data},\nyear={2017},\nmonth={Jan},\nday={31},\npublisher={The Author(s)},\nvolume={4},\npages={160134},\nnote={Data Descriptor},\nurl={}\n}']
File type: json.gz
Figshare URL:
SHA256 Hash Digest: 8eb24812148732786cd7c657eccfc6b5ee66533429c2cfbcc4f0059c0295e8b6

Manipulating and examining pandas DataFrame objects

The datasets are made available as pandas DataFrame objects. You can think of these as a type of "spreadsheet" object in Python. DataFrames have several useful methods you can use to explore and clean the data, some of which we'll explore below.

Dataframes are central objects for retrieving and holding data, adding features, training models, and visualizing with graphs in Python. In the rest of the lesson we will be working with them a lot.

Inspecting the dataset

The head() function prints a summary of the first few rows of a data set. You can scroll across to see more columns. From this, it is easy to see the types of data available in in the dataset.

material_id formula nsites space_group volume structure band_gap e_electronic e_total n poly_electronic poly_total pot_ferroelectric cif meta poscar
0 mp-441 Rb2Te 3 225 159.501208 [[1.75725875 1.2425695 3.04366125] Rb, [5.271... 1.88 [[3.44115795, -3.097e-05, -6.276e-05], [-2.837... [[6.23414745, -0.00035252, -9.796e-05], [-0.00... 1.86 3.44 6.23 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Rb2 Te1\n1.0\n5.271776 0.000000 3.043661\n1.75...
1 mp-22881 CdCl2 3 166 84.298097 [[0. 0. 0.] Cd, [ 4.27210959 2.64061969 13.13... 3.52 [[3.34688382, -0.04498543, -0.22379197], [-0.0... [[7.97018673, -0.29423886, -1.463590159999999]... 1.78 3.16 6.73 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Cd1 Cl2\n1.0\n3.850977 0.072671 5.494462\n1.78...
2 mp-28013 MnI2 3 164 108.335875 [[0. 0. 0.] Mn, [-2.07904300e-06 2.40067320e+... 1.17 [[5.5430849, -5.28e-06, -2.5030000000000003e-0... [[13.80606079, 0.0006911900000000001, 9.655e-0... 2.23 4.97 10.64 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Mn1 I2\n1.0\n4.158086 0.000000 0.000000\n-2.07...
3 mp-567290 LaN 4 186 88.162562 [[-1.73309900e-06 2.38611186e+00 5.95256328e... 1.12 [[7.09316738, 7.99e-06, -0.0003864700000000000... [[16.79535386, 8.199999999999997e-07, -0.00948... 2.65 7.04 17.99 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... La2 N2\n1.0\n4.132865 0.000000 0.000000\n-2.06...
4 mp-560902 MnF2 6 136 82.826401 [[1.677294 2.484476 2.484476] Mn, [0. 0. 0.] M... 2.87 [[2.4239622, 7.452000000000001e-05, 6.06100000... [[6.44055613, 0.0020446600000000002, 0.0013203... 1.53 2.35 7.12 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLDAUTYPE ... Mn2 F4\n1.0\n3.354588 0.000000 0.000000\n0.000...

Sometimes, if a dataset is very large, you will be unable to see all the available columns. Instead, you can see the full list of columns using the columns attribute:

Index(['material_id', 'formula', 'nsites', 'space_group', 'volume',
       'structure', 'band_gap', 'e_electronic', 'e_total', 'n',
       'poly_electronic', 'poly_total', 'pot_ferroelectric', 'cif', 'meta',

A pandas DataFrame includes a function called describe() that helps determine statistics for the various numerical/categorical columns in the data. Note that the describe() function only describes numerical columns by default.

Sometimes, the describe() function will reveal outliers that indicate mistakes in the data.

nsites space_group volume band_gap n poly_electronic poly_total
count 1056.000000 1056.000000 1056.000000 1056.000000 1056.000000 1056.000000 1056.000000
mean 7.530303 142.970644 166.420376 2.119432 2.434886 7.248049 14.777898
std 3.388443 67.264591 97.425084 1.604924 1.148849 13.054947 19.435303
min 2.000000 1.000000 13.980548 0.110000 1.280000 1.630000 2.080000
25% 5.000000 82.000000 96.262337 0.890000 1.770000 3.130000 7.557500
50% 8.000000 163.000000 145.944691 1.730000 2.190000 4.790000 10.540000
75% 9.000000 194.000000 212.106405 2.885000 2.730000 7.440000 15.482500
max 20.000000 229.000000 597.341134 8.320000 16.030000 256.840000 277.780000

Indexing the dataset

We can access a particular column of DataFrame by indexing the object using the column name. For example:

0       1.88
1       3.52
2       1.17
3       1.12
4       2.87
1051    0.87
1052    3.60
1053    0.14
1054    0.21
1055    0.26
Name: band_gap, Length: 1056, dtype: float64

You can also access multiple columns by indexing with a list of column names rather than a single column name:

Alternatively, we can access a particular row of a Dataframe using the iloc attribute.

material_id                                                    mp-7140
formula                                                            SiC
nsites                                                               4
space_group                                                        186
volume                                                       42.005504
structure            [[-1.87933700e-06  1.78517223e+00  2.53458835e...
band_gap                                                           2.3
e_electronic         [[6.9589498, -3.29e-06, 0.0014472600000000001]...
e_total              [[10.193825310000001, -3.7090000000000006e-05,...
n                                                                 2.66
poly_electronic                                                   7.08
poly_total                                                       10.58
pot_ferroelectric                                                False
cif                  #\#CIF1.1\n###################################...
meta                 {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F...
poscar               Si2 C2\n1.0\n3.092007 0.000000 0.000000\n-1.54...
Name: 100, dtype: object

Filtering the dataset

Pandas DataFrame objects make it very easy to filter the data based on a specific column. We can use the typical Python comparison operators (==, >, >=, <, etc) to filter numerical values. For example, let's find all entries where the cell volume is greater than 580. We do this by filtering on the volume column.

Note that we first produce a boolean mask – a series of True and False depending on the comparison. We can then use the mask to filter the DataFrame.

mask = df["volume"] >= 580
material_id formula nsites space_group volume structure band_gap e_electronic e_total n poly_electronic poly_total pot_ferroelectric cif meta poscar
206 mp-23280 AsCl3 16 19 582.085309 [[0.13113333 7.14863883 9.63476955] As, [2.457... 3.99 [[2.2839161900000002, 0.00014519, -2.238000000... [[2.49739759, 0.00069379, 0.00075864], [0.0004... 1.57 2.47 3.30 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... As4 Cl12\n1.0\n4.652758 0.000000 0.000000\n0.0...
216 mp-9064 RbTe 12 189 590.136085 [[6.61780282 0. 0. ] Rb, [1.750... 0.43 [[3.25648277, 5.9650000000000007e-05, 1.57e-06... [[5.34517928, 0.00022474000000000002, -0.00018... 2.05 4.20 6.77 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Rb6 Te6\n1.0\n10.118717 0.000000 0.000000\n-5....
219 mp-23230 PCl3 16 62 590.637274 [[6.02561815 8.74038483 7.55586375] P, [2.7640... 4.03 [[2.39067769, 0.00017593, 8.931000000000001e-0... [[2.80467218, 0.00034093000000000003, 0.000692... 1.52 2.31 2.76 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... P4 Cl12\n1.0\n6.523152 0.000000 0.000000\n0.00...
251 mp-2160 Sb2Se3 20 62 597.341134 [[3.02245275 0.42059268 1.7670481 ] Sb, [ 1.00... 0.76 [[19.1521058, 5.5e-06, 0.00025268], [-1.078000... [[81.93819038000001, 0.0006755800000000001, 0.... 3.97 15.76 63.53 True #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Sb8 Se12\n1.0\n4.029937 0.000000 0.000000\n0.0...

We can use this method of filtering to clean our dataset. For example, if we only wanted our dataset to only include nonmetals (materials with a non-zero band gap), we can do this easily by filtering the band_gap column.

mask = df["band_gap"] > 0
nonmetal_df = df[mask]
material_id formula nsites space_group volume structure band_gap e_electronic e_total n poly_electronic poly_total pot_ferroelectric cif meta poscar
0 mp-441 Rb2Te 3 225 159.501208 [[1.75725875 1.2425695 3.04366125] Rb, [5.271... 1.88 [[3.44115795, -3.097e-05, -6.276e-05], [-2.837... [[6.23414745, -0.00035252, -9.796e-05], [-0.00... 1.86 3.44 6.23 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Rb2 Te1\n1.0\n5.271776 0.000000 3.043661\n1.75...
1 mp-22881 CdCl2 3 166 84.298097 [[0. 0. 0.] Cd, [ 4.27210959 2.64061969 13.13... 3.52 [[3.34688382, -0.04498543, -0.22379197], [-0.0... [[7.97018673, -0.29423886, -1.463590159999999]... 1.78 3.16 6.73 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Cd1 Cl2\n1.0\n3.850977 0.072671 5.494462\n1.78...
2 mp-28013 MnI2 3 164 108.335875 [[0. 0. 0.] Mn, [-2.07904300e-06 2.40067320e+... 1.17 [[5.5430849, -5.28e-06, -2.5030000000000003e-0... [[13.80606079, 0.0006911900000000001, 9.655e-0... 2.23 4.97 10.64 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Mn1 I2\n1.0\n4.158086 0.000000 0.000000\n-2.07...
3 mp-567290 LaN 4 186 88.162562 [[-1.73309900e-06 2.38611186e+00 5.95256328e... 1.12 [[7.09316738, 7.99e-06, -0.0003864700000000000... [[16.79535386, 8.199999999999997e-07, -0.00948... 2.65 7.04 17.99 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... La2 N2\n1.0\n4.132865 0.000000 0.000000\n-2.06...
4 mp-560902 MnF2 6 136 82.826401 [[1.677294 2.484476 2.484476] Mn, [0. 0. 0.] M... 2.87 [[2.4239622, 7.452000000000001e-05, 6.06100000... [[6.44055613, 0.0020446600000000002, 0.0013203... 1.53 2.35 7.12 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLDAUTYPE ... Mn2 F4\n1.0\n3.354588 0.000000 0.000000\n0.000...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1051 mp-568032 Cd(InSe2)2 7 111 212.493121 [[0. 0. 0.] Cd, [2.9560375 0. 3.03973 ... 0.87 [[7.74896783, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 7.74896783, 0.0... [[11.85159471, 1e-08, 0.0], [1e-08, 11.8515962... 2.77 7.67 11.76 True #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Cd1 In2 Se4\n1.0\n5.912075 0.000000 0.000000\n...
1052 mp-696944 LaHBr2 8 194 220.041363 [[2.068917 3.58317965 3.70992025] La, [4.400... 3.60 [[4.40504391, 6.1e-07, 0.0], [6.1e-07, 4.40501... [[8.77136355, 1.649999999999999e-06, 0.0], [1.... 2.00 3.99 7.08 True #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... La2 H2 Br4\n1.0\n4.137833 0.000000 0.000000\n-...
1053 mp-16238 Li2AgSb 4 216 73.882306 [[1.35965225 0.96141925 2.354987 ] Li, [2.719... 0.14 [[212.60750153, -1.843e-05, 0.0], [-1.843e-05,... [[232.59707383, -0.0005407400000000001, 0.0025... 14.58 212.61 232.60 True #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Li2 Ag1 Sb1\n1.0\n4.078957 0.000000 2.354987\n...
1054 mp-4405 Rb3AuO 5 221 177.269065 [[0. 2.808758 2.808758] Rb, [2.808758 2.... 0.21 [[6.40511712, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 6.40511712, 0.0... [[22.43799785, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 22.4380185, 0.... 2.53 6.41 22.44 True #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Rb3 Au1 O1\n1.0\n5.617516 0.000000 0.000000\n0...
1055 mp-3486 KSnSb 6 186 227.725015 [[-1.89006800e-06 2.56736395e+00 1.32914373e... 0.26 [[13.85634957, 1.8e-06, 0.0], [1.8e-06, 13.856... [[16.45311887, 1.64e-06, -0.00019139], [1.64e-... 3.53 12.47 15.55 True #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... K2 Sn2 Sb2\n1.0\n4.446803 0.000000 0.000000\n-...

1056 rows × 16 columns

Often, a dataset contains many additional columns that are not necessary for machine learning. Before we can train a model on the data, we need to remove any extraneous columns. We can remove whole columns from the dataset using the drop() function. This function can be used to drop both rows and columns.

The function takes a list of items to drop. For columns, this is column names whereas for rows it is the row number. Finally, the axis option specifies whether the data to drop is columns (1) or rows (0).

For example, to remove the nsites, space_group, e_electronic, and e_total columns, we can run:

cleaned_df = df.drop(["nsites", "space_group", "e_electronic", "e_total"], axis=1)

Let's examine the cleaned DataFrame to see that the columns have been removed.

material_id formula volume structure band_gap n poly_electronic poly_total pot_ferroelectric cif meta poscar
0 mp-441 Rb2Te 159.501208 [[1.75725875 1.2425695 3.04366125] Rb, [5.271... 1.88 1.86 3.44 6.23 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Rb2 Te1\n1.0\n5.271776 0.000000 3.043661\n1.75...
1 mp-22881 CdCl2 84.298097 [[0. 0. 0.] Cd, [ 4.27210959 2.64061969 13.13... 3.52 1.78 3.16 6.73 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Cd1 Cl2\n1.0\n3.850977 0.072671 5.494462\n1.78...
2 mp-28013 MnI2 108.335875 [[0. 0. 0.] Mn, [-2.07904300e-06 2.40067320e+... 1.17 2.23 4.97 10.64 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Mn1 I2\n1.0\n4.158086 0.000000 0.000000\n-2.07...
3 mp-567290 LaN 88.162562 [[-1.73309900e-06 2.38611186e+00 5.95256328e... 1.12 2.65 7.04 17.99 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... La2 N2\n1.0\n4.132865 0.000000 0.000000\n-2.06...
4 mp-560902 MnF2 82.826401 [[1.677294 2.484476 2.484476] Mn, [0. 0. 0.] M... 2.87 1.53 2.35 7.12 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLDAUTYPE ... Mn2 F4\n1.0\n3.354588 0.000000 0.000000\n0.000...

You can alternatively select multiple columns by passing in a list of column names as an index.

For example, if we're only interested in the band_gap and structure columns, we can index with ["band_gap", "structure"]

df[["band_gap", "structure"]]
band_gap structure
0 1.88 [[1.75725875 1.2425695 3.04366125] Rb, [5.271...
1 3.52 [[0. 0. 0.] Cd, [ 4.27210959 2.64061969 13.13...
2 1.17 [[0. 0. 0.] Mn, [-2.07904300e-06 2.40067320e+...
3 1.12 [[-1.73309900e-06 2.38611186e+00 5.95256328e...
4 2.87 [[1.677294 2.484476 2.484476] Mn, [0. 0. 0.] M...
... ... ...
1051 0.87 [[0. 0. 0.] Cd, [2.9560375 0. 3.03973 ...
1052 3.60 [[2.068917 3.58317965 3.70992025] La, [4.400...
1053 0.14 [[1.35965225 0.96141925 2.354987 ] Li, [2.719...
1054 0.21 [[0. 2.808758 2.808758] Rb, [2.808758 2....
1055 0.26 [[-1.89006800e-06 2.56736395e+00 1.32914373e...

1056 rows × 2 columns

Generating new columns

Pandas DataFrame objects also make it easy to perform simple calculations on the data. Think of this as using formulas in Excel spreadsheets. All fundamental Python math operators (such as +, -, /, and *) can be used.

For example, the dielectric dataset contains the electronic contribution to the dielectric constant (\(\epsilon_\mathrm{electronic}\), in the poly_electronic column) and the total (static) dielectric constant (\(\epsilon_\mathrm{total}\), in the poly_total column). The ionic contribution to the dataset is given by:

\[ \epsilon_\mathrm{ionic} = \epsilon_\mathrm{total} - \epsilon_\mathrm{electronic} \]

Below, we calculate the ionic contribution to the dielectric constant and store it in a new column called poly_ionic. This is as simple as assigning the data to the new column, even if the column doesn't already exist.

df["poly_ionic"] = df["poly_total"] - df["poly_electronic"]

Let's check the new data was added correctly.

material_id formula nsites space_group volume structure band_gap e_electronic e_total n poly_electronic poly_total pot_ferroelectric cif meta poscar poly_ionic
0 mp-441 Rb2Te 3 225 159.501208 [[1.75725875 1.2425695 3.04366125] Rb, [5.271... 1.88 [[3.44115795, -3.097e-05, -6.276e-05], [-2.837... [[6.23414745, -0.00035252, -9.796e-05], [-0.00... 1.86 3.44 6.23 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Rb2 Te1\n1.0\n5.271776 0.000000 3.043661\n1.75... 2.79
1 mp-22881 CdCl2 3 166 84.298097 [[0. 0. 0.] Cd, [ 4.27210959 2.64061969 13.13... 3.52 [[3.34688382, -0.04498543, -0.22379197], [-0.0... [[7.97018673, -0.29423886, -1.463590159999999]... 1.78 3.16 6.73 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Cd1 Cl2\n1.0\n3.850977 0.072671 5.494462\n1.78... 3.57
2 mp-28013 MnI2 3 164 108.335875 [[0. 0. 0.] Mn, [-2.07904300e-06 2.40067320e+... 1.17 [[5.5430849, -5.28e-06, -2.5030000000000003e-0... [[13.80606079, 0.0006911900000000001, 9.655e-0... 2.23 4.97 10.64 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... Mn1 I2\n1.0\n4.158086 0.000000 0.000000\n-2.07... 5.67
3 mp-567290 LaN 4 186 88.162562 [[-1.73309900e-06 2.38611186e+00 5.95256328e... 1.12 [[7.09316738, 7.99e-06, -0.0003864700000000000... [[16.79535386, 8.199999999999997e-07, -0.00948... 2.65 7.04 17.99 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLWAVE = F... La2 N2\n1.0\n4.132865 0.000000 0.000000\n-2.06... 10.95
4 mp-560902 MnF2 6 136 82.826401 [[1.677294 2.484476 2.484476] Mn, [0. 0. 0.] M... 2.87 [[2.4239622, 7.452000000000001e-05, 6.06100000... [[6.44055613, 0.0020446600000000002, 0.0013203... 1.53 2.35 7.12 False #\#CIF1.1\n###################################... {u'incar': u'NELM = 100\nIBRION = 8\nLDAUTYPE ... Mn2 F4\n1.0\n3.354588 0.000000 0.000000\n0.000... 4.77

Part 2: Generating descriptors for machine learning

In this section, we will learn a bit about how to generate machine-learning descriptors from materials objects in pymatgen. First, we'll generate some descriptors with matminer's "featurizers" classes. Next, we'll use some of what we learned about dataframes in the previous section to examine our descriptors and prepare them for input to machine learning models.

featurizers overview

Featurizers transform materials primitives into machine-learnable features

The general idea of featurizers is that they accept a materials primitive (e.g., pymatgen Composition) and output a vector. For example:

\[\begin{align} f(\mathrm{Fe}_2\mathrm{O}_3) \rightarrow [1.5, 7.8, 9.1, 0.09] \end{align}\]

Matminer contains featurizers for the following pymatgen objects:

  • Composition
  • Crystal structure
  • Crystal sites
  • Bandstructure
  • Density of states

Depending on the featurizer, the features returned may be:

  • numerical, categorical, or mixed vectors
  • matrices
  • other pymatgen objects (for further processing)

Featurizers play nice with dataframes

Since most of the time we are working with pandas dataframes, all featurizers work natively with pandas dataframes. We'll provide examples of this later in the lesson.

Featurizers present in matminer

Matminer hosts over 60 featurizers, most of which are implemented from methods published in peer reviewed papers. You can find a full list of featurizers on the matminer website. All featurizers have parallelization and convenient error tolerance built into their core methods.

In this lesson, we'll go over the main methods present in all featurizers. By the end of this unit, you will be able to generate descriptors for a wide range of materials informatics problems using one common software interface.

The featurize method and basics

The core method of any matminer is "featurize". This method accepts a materials object and returns a machine learning vector or matrix. Let's see an example on a pymatgen composition:

from pymatgen.core import Composition

fe2o3 = Composition("Fe2O3")

As a trivial example, we'll get the element fractions with the ElementFraction featurizer.

from matminer.featurizers.composition.element import ElementFraction

ef = ElementFraction()

Now we can featurize our composition.

element_fractions = ef.featurize(fe2o3)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

We've managed to generate features for learning, but what do they mean? One way to check is by reading the Features section in the documentation of any featurizer... but a much easier way is to use the feature_labels() method.

element_fraction_labels = ef.feature_labels()
['H', 'He', 'Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ne', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P', 'S', 'Cl', 'Ar', 'K', 'Ca', 'Sc', 'Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Ga', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', 'Rb', 'Sr', 'Y', 'Zr', 'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'In', 'Sn', 'Sb', 'Te', 'I', 'Xe', 'Cs', 'Ba', 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd', 'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb', 'Lu', 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg', 'Tl', 'Pb', 'Bi', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn', 'Fr', 'Ra', 'Ac', 'Th', 'Pa', 'U', 'Np', 'Pu', 'Am', 'Cm', 'Bk', 'Cf', 'Es', 'Fm', 'Md', 'No', 'Lr']

We now see the labels in the order that we generated the features.

print(element_fraction_labels[7], element_fractions[7])
print(element_fraction_labels[25], element_fractions[25])
O 0.6
Fe 0.4

Featurizing dataframes

We just generated some descriptors and their labels from an individual sample but most of the time our data is in pandas dataframes. Fortunately, matminer featurizers implement a featurize_dataframe() method which interacts natively with dataframes.

Let's grab a new dataset from matminer and use our ElementFraction featurizer on it.

First, we download a dataset as we did in the previous unit. In this example, we'll download a dataset of super hard materials.

from matminer.datasets.dataset_retrieval import load_dataset

df = load_dataset("brgoch_superhard_training")
Fetching brgoch_superhard_training.json.gz from to data/brgoch_superhard_training.json.gz

Fetching in MB: 2.51904MB [00:00, 24.28MB/s]                  

formula bulk_modulus shear_modulus composition material_id structure brgoch_feats suspect_value
0 AlPt3 225.230461 91.197748 (Al, Pt) mp-188 [[0. 0. 0.] Al, [0. 1.96140395 1.96140... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 123.5, 'atomic_number... False
1 Mn2Nb 232.696340 74.590157 (Mn, Nb) mp-12659 [[-2.23765223e-08 1.42974191e+00 5.92614104e... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 45.5, 'atomic_number_... False
2 HfO2 204.573433 98.564374 (Hf, O) mp-352 [[2.24450185 3.85793022 4.83390736] O, [2.7788... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 44.0, 'atomic_number_... False
3 Cu3Pt 159.312640 51.778816 (Cu, Pt) mp-12086 [[0. 1.86144248 1.86144248] Cu, [1.861... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 82.5, 'atomic_number_... False
4 Mg3Pt 69.637565 27.588765 (Mg, Pt) mp-18707 [[0. 0. 2.73626461] Mg, [0. ... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 57.0, 'atomic_number_... False

Next, we can use the featurize_dataframe() method (implemented by all featurizers) to apply ElementFraction to all of our data at once. The only required arguments are the dataframe as input and the input column name (in this case it is composition). featurize_dataframe() is parallelized by default using multiprocessing.

If we look at the dataframe, now we can see our new feature columns.

df = ef.featurize_dataframe(df, "composition")

formula bulk_modulus shear_modulus composition material_id structure brgoch_feats suspect_value H He ... Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
0 AlPt3 225.230461 91.197748 (Al, Pt) mp-188 [[0. 0. 0.] Al, [0. 1.96140395 1.96140... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 123.5, 'atomic_number... False 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Mn2Nb 232.696340 74.590157 (Mn, Nb) mp-12659 [[-2.23765223e-08 1.42974191e+00 5.92614104e... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 45.5, 'atomic_number_... False 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 HfO2 204.573433 98.564374 (Hf, O) mp-352 [[2.24450185 3.85793022 4.83390736] O, [2.7788... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 44.0, 'atomic_number_... False 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Cu3Pt 159.312640 51.778816 (Cu, Pt) mp-12086 [[0. 1.86144248 1.86144248] Cu, [1.861... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 82.5, 'atomic_number_... False 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Mg3Pt 69.637565 27.588765 (Mg, Pt) mp-18707 [[0. 0. 2.73626461] Mg, [0. ... {'atomic_number_feat_1': 57.0, 'atomic_number_... False 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 111 columns

Structure Featurizers

We can use the same syntax for other kinds of featurizers. Let's now assign descriptors to a structure. We do this with the same syntax as the composition featurizers. First, let's load a dataset containing structures.

df = load_dataset("phonon_dielectric_mp")

Fetching phonon_dielectric_mp.json.gz from to data/phonon_dielectric_mp.json.gz

Fetching in MB: 0.5038079999999999MB [00:00, 27.16MB/s]       

mpid eps_electronic eps_total last phdos peak structure formula
0 mp-1000 6.311555 12.773454 98.585771 [[2.8943817 2.04663693 5.01321616] Te, [0. 0.... BaTe
1 mp-1002124 24.137743 32.965593 677.585725 [[0. 0. 0.] Hf, [-3.78195772 -3.78195772 -3.78... HfC
2 mp-1002164 8.111021 11.169464 761.585719 [[0. 0. 0.] Ge, [ 3.45311592 3.45311592 -3.45... GeC
3 mp-10044 10.032168 10.128936 701.585723 [[0.98372595 0.69559929 1.70386332] B, [0. 0. ... BAs
4 mp-1008223 3.979201 6.394043 204.585763 [[0. 0. 0.] Ca, [ 4.95 4.95 -4.95] Se] CaSe

Let's calculate some basic density features of these structures using DensityFeatures.

from matminer.featurizers.structure import DensityFeatures

densityf = DensityFeatures()
['density', 'vpa', 'packing fraction']

These are the features we will get. Now we use featurize_dataframe() to generate these features for all the samples in the dataframe. Since we are using the structures as input to the featurizer, we select the "structure" column.

Let's examine the dataframe and see the structural features.

df = densityf.featurize_dataframe(df, "structure")

mpid eps_electronic eps_total last phdos peak structure formula density vpa packing fraction
0 mp-1000 6.311555 12.773454 98.585771 [[2.8943817 2.04663693 5.01321616] Te, [0. 0.... BaTe 4.937886 44.545547 0.596286
1 mp-1002124 24.137743 32.965593 677.585725 [[0. 0. 0.] Hf, [-3.78195772 -3.78195772 -3.78... HfC 9.868234 16.027886 0.531426
2 mp-1002164 8.111021 11.169464 761.585719 [[0. 0. 0.] Ge, [ 3.45311592 3.45311592 -3.45... GeC 5.760895 12.199996 0.394180
3 mp-10044 10.032168 10.128936 701.585723 [[0.98372595 0.69559929 1.70386332] B, [0. 0. ... BAs 5.087634 13.991016 0.319600
4 mp-1008223 3.979201 6.394043 204.585763 [[0. 0. 0.] Ca, [ 4.95 4.95 -4.95] Se] CaSe 2.750191 35.937000 0.428523

Conversion Featurizers

In addition to Bandstructure/DOS/Structure/Composition featurizers, matminer also provides a featurizer interface for converting between pymatgen objects (e.g., assinging oxidation states to compositions) in a fault-tolerant fashion. These featurizers are found in matminer.featurizers.conversion and work with the same featurize/featurize_dataframe etc. syntax as the other featurizers.

The dataset we loaded previously only contains a formula column with string objects. To convert this data into a composition column containing pymatgen Composition objects, we can use the StrToComposition conversion featurizer on the formula column.

from matminer.featurizers.conversions import StrToComposition

stc = StrToComposition()
df = stc.featurize_dataframe(df, "formula", pbar=False)

We can see a new composition column has been added to the dataframe.

mpid eps_electronic eps_total last phdos peak structure formula density vpa packing fraction composition
0 mp-1000 6.311555 12.773454 98.585771 [[2.8943817 2.04663693 5.01321616] Te, [0. 0.... BaTe 4.937886 44.545547 0.596286 (Ba, Te)
1 mp-1002124 24.137743 32.965593 677.585725 [[0. 0. 0.] Hf, [-3.78195772 -3.78195772 -3.78... HfC 9.868234 16.027886 0.531426 (Hf, C)
2 mp-1002164 8.111021 11.169464 761.585719 [[0. 0. 0.] Ge, [ 3.45311592 3.45311592 -3.45... GeC 5.760895 12.199996 0.394180 (Ge, C)
3 mp-10044 10.032168 10.128936 701.585723 [[0.98372595 0.69559929 1.70386332] B, [0. 0. ... BAs 5.087634 13.991016 0.319600 (B, As)
4 mp-1008223 3.979201 6.394043 204.585763 [[0. 0. 0.] Ca, [ 4.95 4.95 -4.95] Se] CaSe 2.750191 35.937000 0.428523 (Ca, Se)

Advanced capabilities

There are powerful functionalities of Featurizers which are worth quickly mentioning before we go practice (and many more not mentioned here).

Dealing with Errors

Often, data is messy and certain featurizers will encounter errors. Set ignore_errors=True in featurize_dataframe() to skip errors; if you'd like to see the errors returned in an additional column, also set return_errors=True.

Citing the authors

Many featurizers are implemented using methods found in peer reviewed studies. Please cite these original works using the citations() method, which returns the BibTex-formatted references in a Python list. For example:

from matminer.featurizers.structure.bonding import GlobalInstabilityIndex

/usr/share/miniconda/envs/workshop/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/ ParserWarning: Length of header or names does not match length of data. This leads to a loss of data with index_col=False.
  return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)

['@article{PhysRevB.87.184115,title = {Structural characterization of R2BaCuO5 (R = Y, Lu, Yb, Tm, Er, Ho, Dy, Gd, Eu and Sm) oxides by X-ray and neutron diffraction},author = {Salinas-Sanchez, A. and Garcia-Muñoz, J.L. and Rodriguez-Carvajal, J. and Saez-Puche, R. and Martinez, J.L.},journal = {Journal of Solid State Chemistry},volume = {100},issue = {2},pages = {201-211},year = {1992},doi = {10.1016/0022-4596(92)90094-C},url = {}}']

Part 3: Machine learning models

In parts 1 and 2, we demonstrated how to download a dataset and add machine learnable features. In part 3, we show how to train a machine learning model on a dataset and analyze the results.


This unit makes extensive use of the scikit-learn package, an open-source python package for machine learning. Matminer has been designed to make machine learning with scikit-learn as easy as possible. Other machine learning packages exist, such as TensorFlow, which implement neural network architectures. These packages can also be used with matminer but are outside the scope of this workshop.

Load and prepare a pre-featurized model

First, let's load a dataset that we can use for machine learning. In advance, we've added some composition and structure features to the elastic_tensor_2015 dataset used in exercises 1 and 2.

import os
from import load_dataframe_from_json

df = load_dataframe_from_json(os.path.join("resources", "elastic_tensor_2015_featurized.json"))
Reading file resources/elastic_tensor_2015_featurized.json: 2362it [00:01, 1717.57it/s]
Decoding objects from resources/elastic_tensor_2015_featurized.json: 100%|##########| 2362/2362 [00:01<00:00, 1718.68it/s]

structure formula K_VRH composition MagpieData minimum Number MagpieData maximum Number MagpieData range Number MagpieData mean Number MagpieData avg_dev Number MagpieData mode Number ... MagpieData mode GSmagmom MagpieData minimum SpaceGroupNumber MagpieData maximum SpaceGroupNumber MagpieData range SpaceGroupNumber MagpieData mean SpaceGroupNumber MagpieData avg_dev SpaceGroupNumber MagpieData mode SpaceGroupNumber density vpa packing fraction
0 [[0.94814328 2.07280467 2.5112 ] Nb, [5.273... Nb4CoSi 194.268884 (Nb, Co, Si) 14.0 41.0 27.0 34.166667 9.111111 41.0 ... 0.0 194.0 229.0 35.0 222.833333 9.611111 229.0 7.834556 16.201654 0.688834
1 [[0. 0. 0.] Al, [1.96639263 1.13529553 0.75278... Al(CoSi)2 175.449907 (Al, Co, Si) 13.0 27.0 14.0 19.000000 6.400000 14.0 ... 0.0 194.0 227.0 33.0 213.400000 15.520000 194.0 5.384968 12.397466 0.644386
2 [[1.480346 1.480346 1.480346] Si, [0. 0. 0.] Os] SiOs 295.077545 (Si, Os) 14.0 76.0 62.0 45.000000 31.000000 14.0 ... 0.0 194.0 227.0 33.0 210.500000 16.500000 194.0 13.968635 12.976265 0.569426
3 [[0. 1.09045794 0.84078375] Ga, [0. ... Ga 49.130670 (Ga) 31.0 31.0 0.0 31.000000 0.000000 31.0 ... 0.0 64.0 64.0 0.0 64.000000 0.000000 64.0 6.036267 19.180359 0.479802
4 [[1.0094265 4.24771709 2.9955487 ] Si, [3.028... SiRu2 256.768081 (Si, Ru) 14.0 44.0 30.0 34.000000 13.333333 44.0 ... 0.0 194.0 227.0 33.0 205.000000 14.666667 194.0 9.539514 13.358418 0.598395

5 rows × 139 columns

We first need to split the dataset into the "target" property, and the "features" used for learning. In this model, we will be using the bulk modulus (K_VRH) as the target property. We use the values attribute of the dataframe to give the target properties a numpy array, rather than pandas Series object.

y = df['K_VRH'].values

[194.26888436 175.44990675 295.07754499 ...  89.41816126  99.3845653

The machine learning algorithm can only use numerical features for training. Accordingly, we need to remove any non-numerical columns from our dataset. Additionally, we want to remove the K_VRH column from the set of features, as the model should not know about the target property in advance.

The dataset loaded above, includes structure, formula, and composition columns that were previously used to generate the machine learnable features. Let's remove them using the pandas drop() function, discussed in unit 1. Remember, axis=1 indicates we are dropping columns rather than rows.

X = df.drop(["structure", "formula", "composition", "K_VRH"], axis=1)

We can see all the descriptors in model using the column attribute.

print("There are {} possible descriptors:".format(len(X.columns)))
There are 135 possible descriptors:
Index(['MagpieData minimum Number', 'MagpieData maximum Number',
       'MagpieData range Number', 'MagpieData mean Number',
       'MagpieData avg_dev Number', 'MagpieData mode Number',
       'MagpieData minimum MendeleevNumber',
       'MagpieData maximum MendeleevNumber',
       'MagpieData range MendeleevNumber', 'MagpieData mean MendeleevNumber',
       'MagpieData mode GSmagmom', 'MagpieData minimum SpaceGroupNumber',
       'MagpieData maximum SpaceGroupNumber',
       'MagpieData range SpaceGroupNumber', 'MagpieData mean SpaceGroupNumber',
       'MagpieData avg_dev SpaceGroupNumber',
       'MagpieData mode SpaceGroupNumber', 'density', 'vpa',
       'packing fraction'],
      dtype='object', length=135)

Try a random forest model using scikit-learn

The scikit-learn library makes it easy to use our generated features for training machine learning models. It implements a variety of different regression models and contains tools for cross-validation.

In the interests of time, in this example we will only trial a single model but it is good practice to trial multiple models to see which performs best for your machine learning problem. A good "starting" model is the random forest model. Let's create a random forest model.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=1)

Notice we created the model with the number of estimators (n_estimators) set to 100. n_estimators is an example of a machine learning hyper-parameter. Most models contain many tunable hyper-parameters. To obtain good performance, it is necessary to fine tune these parameters for each individual machine learning problem. There is currently no simple way to know in advance what hyper-parameters will be optimal. Usually, a trial and error approach is used.

We can now train our model to use the input features (X) to predict the target property (y). This is achieved using the fit() function., y)

That's it, we have trained our first machine learning model!

Evaluating model performance

Next, we need to assess how the model is performing. To do this, we first ask the model to predict the bulk modulus for every entry in our original dataframe.

y_pred = rf.predict(X)

Next, we can check the accuracy of our model by looking at the root mean squared error of our predictions. Scikit-learn provides a mean_squared_error() function to calculate the mean squared error. We then take the square-root of this to obtain our final performance metric.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

mse = mean_squared_error(y, y_pred)
print('training RMSE = {:.3f} GPa'.format(np.sqrt(mse)))
training RMSE = 7.272 GPa

An RMSE of 7.2 GPa looks very reasonable! However, as the model was trained and evaluated on exactly the same data, this is not a true estimate of how the model will perform for unseen materials (the primary purpose of machine learning studies).

Cross validation

To obtain a more accurate estimate of prediction performance and validate that we are not over-fitting, we need to check the cross-validation score rather than the fitting score.

In cross-validation, the data is partitioned randomly into \(n\) "splits" (in this case 10), each containing roughly the same number of samples. The model is trained on \(n-1\) splits (the training set) and the model performance evaluated by comparing the actual and predicted values for the final split (the testing set). In total, this process is repeated \(n\) times, such that each split is at some point used as the testing set. The cross-validation score is the average score across all testing sets.

There are a number of ways to partition the data into splits. In this example, we use the KFold method and select the number of splits to be 10. I.e., 90 % of the data will be used as the training set, with 10 % used as the testing set.

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=1, shuffle=True)

Note, we set random_state=1 to ensure every attendee gets the same answer for their model.

Finally, obtaining the cross validation score can be automated using the Scikit-Learn cross_val_score() function. This function requires a machine learning model, the input features, and target property as arguments. Note, we pass the kfold object as thecv argument, to make cross_val_score() use the correct test/train splits.

For each split, the model will be trained from scratch, before the performance is evaluated. As we have to train and predict 10 times, cross validation can often take some time to perform. In our case, the model is quite small, so the process only takes about a minute. The final cross validation score is the average across all splits.

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

scores = cross_val_score(rf, X, y, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=kfold)

rmse_scores = [np.sqrt(abs(s)) for s in scores]
print('Mean RMSE: {:.3f}'.format(np.mean(rmse_scores)))
Mean RMSE: 18.903

Notice that our RMSE has almost tripled as now it reflects the true predictive power of the model. However, a root-mean-squared error of ~19 GPa is still not bad!

Visualizing model performance

We can visualize the predictive performance of our model by plotting the our predictions against the actual value, for each sample in the test set for all test/train splits. First, we get the predicted values of the testing set for each split using the cross_val_predict method. This is similar to the cross_val_score method, except it returns the actual predictions, rather than the model score.

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict

y_pred = cross_val_predict(rf, X, y, cv=kfold)

Let's now add our predicted values to our dataframe and calculate an absolute percentage error for each sample.

We can do this conveniently for all of our samples with the dataframe columns.

If we scroll to the end of the dataframe, our predicted K_VRH and percentage errors are given for each sample. This might allow us to examine manually which samples are performing well and which are performing poorly.

df["K_VRH predicted"] = y_pred
df["percentage_error"] = (df["K_VRH"] - df["K_VRH predicted"]).abs()/df["K_VRH"] * 100

structure formula K_VRH composition MagpieData minimum Number MagpieData maximum Number MagpieData range Number MagpieData mean Number MagpieData avg_dev Number MagpieData mode Number ... MagpieData maximum SpaceGroupNumber MagpieData range SpaceGroupNumber MagpieData mean SpaceGroupNumber MagpieData avg_dev SpaceGroupNumber MagpieData mode SpaceGroupNumber density vpa packing fraction K_VRH predicted percentage_error
0 [[0.94814328 2.07280467 2.5112 ] Nb, [5.273... Nb4CoSi 194.268884 (Nb, Co, Si) 14.0 41.0 27.0 34.166667 9.111111 41.0 ... 229.0 35.0 222.833333 9.611111 229.0 7.834556 16.201654 0.688834 199.911721 2.904653
1 [[0. 0. 0.] Al, [1.96639263 1.13529553 0.75278... Al(CoSi)2 175.449907 (Al, Co, Si) 13.0 27.0 14.0 19.000000 6.400000 14.0 ... 227.0 33.0 213.400000 15.520000 194.0 5.384968 12.397466 0.644386 166.865227 4.892952
2 [[1.480346 1.480346 1.480346] Si, [0. 0. 0.] Os] SiOs 295.077545 (Si, Os) 14.0 76.0 62.0 45.000000 31.000000 14.0 ... 227.0 33.0 210.500000 16.500000 194.0 13.968635 12.976265 0.569426 254.852161 13.632140
3 [[0. 1.09045794 0.84078375] Ga, [0. ... Ga 49.130670 (Ga) 31.0 31.0 0.0 31.000000 0.000000 31.0 ... 64.0 0.0 64.000000 0.000000 64.0 6.036267 19.180359 0.479802 50.252618 2.283600
4 [[1.0094265 4.24771709 2.9955487 ] Si, [3.028... SiRu2 256.768081 (Si, Ru) 14.0 44.0 30.0 34.000000 13.333333 44.0 ... 227.0 33.0 205.000000 14.666667 194.0 9.539514 13.358418 0.598395 227.636131 11.345627
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1176 [[1.55171489 0.89588144 8.41159136] Ti, [-1.88... Ti2CdC 111.788114 (Ti, Cd, C) 6.0 48.0 42.0 24.500000 11.750000 22.0 ... 194.0 0.0 194.000000 0.000000 194.0 6.016734 15.190017 0.658712 155.019117 38.672271
1177 [[0. 8.53417539 0.91740975] Sc, [0. ... ScSi 101.326807 (Sc, Si) 14.0 21.0 7.0 17.500000 3.500000 14.0 ... 227.0 33.0 210.500000 16.500000 194.0 3.336856 18.174013 0.625414 111.135312 9.680069
1178 [[0. 9.084549 0.960921] Y, [0. 1.4... YSi 89.418161 (Y, Si) 14.0 39.0 25.0 26.500000 12.500000 14.0 ... 227.0 33.0 210.500000 16.500000 194.0 4.462773 21.765469 0.689264 94.369733 5.537546
1179 [[5.11035838 2.07486738 0. ] Al, [3.996... Al2Cu 99.384565 (Al, Cu) 13.0 29.0 16.0 18.333333 7.111111 13.0 ... 225.0 0.0 225.000000 0.000000 225.0 4.356814 14.928982 0.595452 98.320922 1.070230
1180 [[0. 0. 0.] V, [0. 2.824189 0. ] Cu... VCu3Se4 35.938660 (V, Cu, Se) 23.0 34.0 11.0 30.750000 3.250000 34.0 ... 229.0 215.0 120.000000 106.000000 14.0 5.136414 22.525854 0.370166 65.607360 82.553718

1181 rows × 141 columns

A more convient way of examining our model's performance is by creating a graph comparing our cross-validation predicted bulk modulus to the actual bulk modulus for every sample. Here, we use from the Plotly package to create our graphs.

Plotly Express is designed to create many kinds of plots directly from dataframes. Since we already have our data inside a dataframe, we can specify the column names to tell Plotly the data we'd like to show.

We make two series of data: - First, a reference line indicating "perfect" peformance of the model. - Second, a scatter plot of the predicted K_VRH vs the actual K_VRH for every sample.

import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go

reference_line = go.Scatter(
    x=[0, 400],
    y=[0, 400],
    line=dict(color="black", dash="dash"),

fig = px.scatter(
    y="K_VRH predicted", 


Not too bad! However, there are definitely some outliers (you can hover over the points with your mouse to see what they are).

Model interpretation

An important aspect of machine learning is being able to understand why a model is making certain predictions. Random forest models are particularly amenable to interpretation as they possess a feature_importances attribute, which contains the importance of each feature in deciding the final prediction. Let's look at the feature importances of our model.

array([2.77737706e-04, 6.86497802e-04, 4.19014378e-04, 9.38306579e-04,
       6.27788172e-04, 8.11685429e-04, 5.85205797e-03, 4.13582985e-04,
       5.68896006e-03, 3.99784395e-03, 2.29068933e-03, 4.00079790e-03,
       2.80170565e-04, 1.12108238e-03, 5.04161260e-04, 7.21240737e-04,
       6.66258777e-04, 2.65253041e-04, 6.31863354e-02, 2.61334748e-02,
       1.69886830e-03, 5.43940586e-01, 3.79683746e-03, 1.84024489e-03,
       2.00724094e-02, 2.74160018e-04, 2.89023628e-04, 1.65750614e-03,
       1.70010289e-03, 8.44812934e-03, 4.07321100e-05, 4.20522484e-05,
       8.69871167e-05, 1.12538000e-03, 1.05324451e-03, 4.16679765e-05,
       3.96170134e-04, 1.48598578e-03, 6.16768132e-04, 3.24518244e-03,
       8.40211726e-04, 6.08207520e-04, 2.48464536e-03, 5.38387869e-04,
       9.44676379e-04, 1.17935220e-02, 1.54290424e-03, 3.42464373e-03,
       1.62873316e-04, 4.59487184e-05, 1.77379083e-04, 1.35098601e-03,
       3.88133058e-04, 3.33992917e-04, 2.17490708e-04, 3.12382175e-05,
       1.01795637e-04, 1.03213685e-03, 6.85435551e-04, 6.34344688e-05,
       2.02095869e-04, 2.66249318e-03, 3.74273103e-04, 7.21229249e-04,
       1.29571361e-03, 3.56619677e-04, 3.67797732e-06, 1.81902930e-05,
       1.66200350e-05, 2.20302332e-04, 1.52030919e-04, 1.48360193e-05,
       1.71809628e-03, 1.19092123e-03, 3.73628049e-04, 1.42148596e-03,
       6.57524332e-04, 6.28622233e-03, 1.16750735e-05, 4.36732403e-05,
       3.66858164e-05, 1.34265640e-03, 1.90009692e-04, 1.65555892e-04,
       5.84467323e-05, 2.62242035e-04, 3.16564734e-04, 4.75664484e-04,
       9.69183532e-04, 2.32465824e-05, 3.02435786e-04, 3.16506500e-04,
       1.37421635e-03, 1.55517264e-03, 4.35381175e-03, 1.13587974e-03,
       0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00,
       0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.49055670e-03, 1.23382329e-03,
       1.39319470e-03, 5.25514449e-03, 1.45239205e-03, 2.80369169e-03,
       6.08487913e-04, 1.41780570e-02, 1.86595558e-03, 2.05837632e-02,
       2.18064410e-03, 3.69109295e-03, 8.52970476e-05, 4.96849240e-05,
       1.33715940e-04, 9.60365387e-04, 5.01421614e-04, 2.88261104e-04,
       1.88675594e-05, 9.08252204e-05, 1.04200208e-04, 4.82154177e-04,
       2.80548603e-04, 6.50107456e-05, 2.28368912e-04, 5.33462112e-04,
       3.00309809e-04, 1.14474431e-03, 1.02300569e-03, 3.41368312e-04,
       2.72149182e-02, 1.34503923e-01, 6.79013491e-03])

To make sense of this, we need to know which feature each number corresponds to. We can use PlotlyFig to plot the importances of the 5 most important features.

importances = rf.feature_importances_
included = X.columns.values
indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1]

fig_bar =
    title="Feature Importances of Random Forest",
    labels={"x": "Feature", "y": "Importance"}

Bonus: Curated ML datasets with Matbench

If you are interested in comparing your machine learning algorithms with the state of the art, matminer also offers access to a curated set of 13 benchmarking datasets called Matbench, which have been used to benchmark SoTA algorithms like RooSt, CGCNN, CRABNet, MEGNet, Automatminer, and more.


The Matbench datasets span a wide variety of materials informatics tasks such as:

  • Predicting materials properties given only composition, or given composition and structure
  • Predicting a wide array of target properties, such as elastic constants, dielectric constants, formation energies, and steel yield strength
  • Data-sparse tasks (300 samples) and (relatively) data-rich tasks (100k+ samples)
  • Both regression and classification tasks

The full set of datasets is given in the table below:

Task name Task type Target column (unit) Input type Samples MAD (regression) or Fraction True (classification) Links
matbench_steels regression yield strength (MPa) composition 312 229.3743 download, interactive
matbench_jdft2d regression exfoliation_en (meV/atom) structure 636 67.2020 download, interactive
matbench_phonons regression last phdos peak (cm^-1) structure 1,265 323.7870 download, interactive
matbench_expt_gap regression gap expt (eV) composition 4,604 1.1432 download, interactive
matbench_dielectric regression n (unitless) structure 4,764 0.8085 download, interactive
matbench_expt_is_metal classification is_metal composition 4,921 0.4981 download, interactive
matbench_glass classification gfa composition 5,680 0.7104 download, interactive
matbench_log_gvrh regression log10(G_VRH) (log10(GPa)) structure 10,987 0.2931 download, interactive
matbench_log_kvrh regression log10(K_VRH) (log10(GPa)) structure 10,987 0.2897 download, interactive
matbench_perovskites regression e_form (eV/unit cell) structure 18,928 0.5660 download, interactive
matbench_mp_gap regression gap pbe (eV) structure 106,113 1.3271 download, interactive
matbench_mp_is_metal classification is_metal structure 106,113 0.4349 download, interactive
matbench_mp_e_form regression e_form (eV/atom) structure 132,752 1.0059 download, interactive

You can click on the "download" links above to download the raw files, or alternatively click on "interactive" to explore the datasets on MPContribs (note: you must be logged in to MPContribs to see the data).


Loading Matbench datasets with Matminer

We can easily load and examine any of these datasets using the exact same load_dataset function we have used throughout this lesson in matminer. Let's look at the smallest of the matbench datasets, matbench_steels, which has 312 samples and contains chemical compositions and yield strengths in MPa as the target property.

from matminer.datasets import load_dataset

df = load_dataset("matbench_steels")
Fetching matbench_steels.json.gz from to data/matbench_steels.json.gz

Fetching in MB: 0.010239999999999999MB [00:00,  4.46MB/s]     

All Matbench datasets are reduced to the minimum possible format, including a single column for input (either structure or composition) and a single target property (a number for regression or a bool for binary classification).

If we use the get_all_dataset_info we can examine some more about where this data came from, how it was edited into this form, as well as the meaning of columns.

from matminer.datasets import get_all_dataset_info

info = get_all_dataset_info("matbench_steels")

Dataset: matbench_steels
Description: Matbench v0.1 test dataset for predicting steel yield strengths from chemical composition alone. Retrieved from Citrine informatics. Deduplicated. For benchmarking w/ nested cross validation, the order of the dataset must be identical to the retrieved data; refer to the Automatminer/Matbench publication for more details.
    composition: Chemical formula.
    yield strength: Target variable. Experimentally measured steel yield strengths, in MPa.
Num Entries: 312
Bibtex citations: ["@Article{Dunn2020,\nauthor={Dunn, Alexander\nand Wang, Qi\nand Ganose, Alex\nand Dopp, Daniel\nand Jain, Anubhav},\ntitle={Benchmarking materials property prediction methods: the Matbench test set and Automatminer reference algorithm},\njournal={npj Computational Materials},\nyear={2020},\nmonth={Sep},\nday={15},\nvolume={6},\nnumber={1},\npages={138},\nabstract={We present a benchmark test suite and an automated machine learning procedure for evaluating supervised machine learning (ML) models for predicting properties of inorganic bulk materials. The test suite, Matbench, is a set of 13{\\thinspace}ML tasks that range in size from 312 to 132k samples and contain data from 10 density functional theory-derived and experimental sources. Tasks include predicting optical, thermal, electronic, thermodynamic, tensile, and elastic properties given a material's composition and/or crystal structure. The reference algorithm, Automatminer, is a highly-extensible, fully automated ML pipeline for predicting materials properties from materials primitives (such as composition and crystal structure) without user intervention or hyperparameter tuning. We test Automatminer on the Matbench test suite and compare its predictive power with state-of-the-art crystal graph neural networks and a traditional descriptor-based Random Forest model. We find Automatminer achieves the best performance on 8 of 13 tasks in the benchmark. We also show our test suite is capable of exposing predictive advantages of each algorithm---namely, that crystal graph methods appear to outperform traditional machine learning methods given {\\textasciitilde}104 or greater data points. We encourage evaluating materials ML algorithms on the Matbench benchmark and comparing them against the latest version of Automatminer.},\nissn={2057-3960},\ndoi={10.1038/s41524-020-00406-3},\nurl={}\n}\n", '@misc{Citrine Informatics,\ntitle = {Mechanical properties of some steels},\nhowpublished = {\\url{},\n}']
File type: json.gz
Figshare URL:
SHA256 Hash Digest: 473bc4957b2ea5e6465aef84bc29bb48ac34db27d69ea4ec5f508745c6fae252

The Matbench Leaderboard and Benchmarking Code

We host an online benchmark leaderboard - similar to an "ImageNet" for materials science - at the following URL:

Which contains comprehensive data on various SoTA algorithm's performance across tasks in Matbench. On the website you can find:

  • A general purpose leaderboard comparing only the most-widely applicable algorithms
  • Individual per-task (per-dataset) leaderboards for comparing any ML model on a particular task
  • Comprehensive breakdowns of cross-validation performance, statistics, and metadata for every model
  • Access to individual sample predictions for each and every submission


General purpose leaderboard

Task name Samples Algorithm Verified MAE (unit) or ROCAUC Notes
matbench_steels 312 AMMExpress v2020 97.4929 (MPa)
matbench_jdft2d 636 AMMExpress v2020 39.8497 (meV/atom)
matbench_phonons 1,265 CrabNet 55.1114 (cm^-1)
matbench_expt_gap 4,604 CrabNet 0.3463 (eV)
matbench_dielectric 4,764 AMMExpress v2020 0.3150 (unitless)
matbench_expt_is_metal 4,921 AMMExpress v2020 0.9209
matbench_glass 5,680 AMMExpress v2020 0.8607
matbench_log_gvrh 10,987 AMMExpress v2020 0.0874 (log10(GPa))
matbench_log_kvrh 10,987 AMMExpress v2020 0.0647 (log10(GPa))
matbench_perovskites 18,928 CGCNN v2019 0.0452 (eV/unit cell) structure required
matbench_mp_gap 106,113 CrabNet 0.2655 (eV)
matbench_mp_is_metal 106,113 CGCNN v2019 0.9520 structure required
matbench_mp_e_form 132,752 CGCNN v2019 0.0337 (eV/atom) structure required

Submit your algorithm

Although outside the scope of this lesson, you can submit your own algorithms to Matbench via Github and appear on the leaderboards! For more information on how to do this, see the documentation on how to record results and submit to the leaderboard.